I read some good books recently which gave me a spiritual enlightenment. It's a journey to self-discovery!
1) The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
2) The Pilgrimage - Paulo Coelho
3) GirlFriend in a Coma - Douglas Coupland
4) Conditions of Love the philosophy of intimacy - John Armstrong
Half way:
1) The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 3/4 - Sue Townsend
2) The Day my Butt Went Psycho! - Andy Griffiths
3) Generation X - Douglas Coupland
4) The Life of Pi - Yann Martel
Really wanna see:
1) High Fidelity - Nick Hornby
2) Life After God - Douglas Coupland
3) The Power of Kabbalah - Yehuda Berg
4) Status Anxiety - Alain De Botton
5) Eleventh Minutes - Paulo Coelho
6) Veronika Decides to Die - Paulo Coelho
7) The God of Small Things - Arundhati Roy
Paulo Coelho is a powerful writer!
Trust me, everyone in the mid-twenty should try The Alchemist!
To all of my teacher friends.
" Teaching is only demonstrating that it is possible. Learning is making it possible for yourself." (The Pilgrimage - Paulo Coelho)
你當倚靠耶和華而行善,住在地上,以他的信實為糧. 又要以耶和華為樂,他就將你心裡所求的賜給你.當將你的事交託耶和華,並倚靠他, 他就必成全. (詩37:3-5) "Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust in him, and he will act." (Psalm 37:3-5)
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Monday, July 31, 2006
Amazing Sing(apore)
A six-day (excluding the fligh time, it's only four) brief vacation to Singapore and Malaysia is much more comfortable than a 10 days trip to Europe by local tour! This is what i was expecting as a real reluctant VACATION. Though i have no idea what i am going to do since i return, i let my mind and my body rest!
The coolest thing is there is no schedule, no route, no specific tourist-must-visit spots for my trip. Anyhow, i have been to Singapore and Malaysia like 3-4 times already. I just stayed in my sister's place doing the same thing exactly i was doing in HK carefree. My major spot was my niece - Lynn. She's too lovely and adorable to describe.
Like the song said "i can see what i want to see, i can go where i want to go and i can be who i want to be..." that's what i think the most fascinating and awesome experience.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Superman Returns
Superman Returns is kind of disappointing. Sad to say i have almost forgotten the details of the last episode except the image of the entrenched Christropher Reeves humanly superhero who was too busy saving her perpetal trouble-making lover Lois Lane. This new reinvention, led by Brandon Routh has accentuated superman's chivalry and his adolescent romance craving desire. His existence was solely depended on the tie of the unfulfilling relationship but Routh's acting and facial expression have downgraded the incredible into a ineffable and sacrosanct facade without any personality.
How could there be anyone so perfect with noble temperment, a true & sincere heart, romantic, faithful, all potent, smart, kind-hearted and needless to say HANDSOME, HEFTY and CONSUMMATE. Maybe we shouldn't question this superhero logically nor judge the film with common sense. Do we really need Superman in the theatre? I like the idea of Woody Allen presented in the film "The Purple Rose of Cairo". The theatres can bring some hope to people for escapism and delude people with the real and the illusion. I can't say everyone, but at least most of my female friends embraced this cute Superman coz he satisfied most of their white-knight perfection dreams.
I still prefer Tobey Maguire's flesh and blood and more down to earth Spiderman over the unbeatible wax-like red underpants hero who could only fly and lift up aircrafts. Just a personal taste!
How could there be anyone so perfect with noble temperment, a true & sincere heart, romantic, faithful, all potent, smart, kind-hearted and needless to say HANDSOME, HEFTY and CONSUMMATE. Maybe we shouldn't question this superhero logically nor judge the film with common sense. Do we really need Superman in the theatre? I like the idea of Woody Allen presented in the film "The Purple Rose of Cairo". The theatres can bring some hope to people for escapism and delude people with the real and the illusion. I can't say everyone, but at least most of my female friends embraced this cute Superman coz he satisfied most of their white-knight perfection dreams.
I still prefer Tobey Maguire's flesh and blood and more down to earth Spiderman over the unbeatible wax-like red underpants hero who could only fly and lift up aircrafts. Just a personal taste!
Friday, July 07, 2006
Bin Tai Yiu Fu Lan Hou Jing
Lei Leung Yat kok tak sum ching ho mou tun tong mai ho down, ho chi yau ho doll ci fat sun gum. or yau dai chor chi jack shun, yau mei wan doi yat fun ho gong wor, yau bai gor ho pun yau chuk mai, chong hung ding chor yat di or ng sheung sing ying gei yeh. Yau gunt jip fat yin yau gor friend pak chor ho loi tall dan high fun chor sou. ho tang kui ng hoi sum lor.
high kung jok sheung ho duck ham, tong mai ho hoi sum. yau tong or di tong ci hui chor hoi yeung kung yuen, or kok tak barn tong ci ho ho wan. yau ki ci chor or guard nei gor gor, kui high bin tai yiu fu lan hou jing dan high kui ho gau siu gar. tong kui tei yat chai ho yee ling or monk kei yat d ng hoi sum gei yeah. but gwoi ho fai or chou yau juen kung lah. ho ng shei duck kui dei. or ho chung yee kui tei.
hahah.... if you don't understand, just don't bother. I dedicated it to my colleagues. haha.
high kung jok sheung ho duck ham, tong mai ho hoi sum. yau tong or di tong ci hui chor hoi yeung kung yuen, or kok tak barn tong ci ho ho wan. yau ki ci chor or guard nei gor gor, kui high bin tai yiu fu lan hou jing dan high kui ho gau siu gar. tong kui tei yat chai ho yee ling or monk kei yat d ng hoi sum gei yeah. but gwoi ho fai or chou yau juen kung lah. ho ng shei duck kui dei. or ho chung yee kui tei.
hahah.... if you don't understand, just don't bother. I dedicated it to my colleagues. haha.
Monday, February 27, 2006
趕功課 - 慕尼黑的影評
好感恩有朋友介紹我寫影評,書評,樂評等,雖知自己不算是一個有料之人,但對電影的確有些興趣,正值苦惱潮而友人作出邀請,真是一個良機。以下的影評有幸的話將會在一個文化網站出現,更被祝福的話,將來所寫的文章還會被刊載至時代論壇,但此時此刻,唯有等待。無論結果如何,我亦為自己付出的興奮莫名!為你們獻上 - 慕尼黑的影評(第一次如此有心機,如此努力的成果):
1972年9月5日,第20屆夏季奧運會,5名"黑色九月"巴勒斯坦武裝人員屠殺奧運村的11名以色列選手,諷刺地為象徵了無種族、無國界分野的五環體壇盛事上的和平,劃上一個沉重的血色句號,亦奠定了史提芬史匹堡鏡頭下一個以色列"摩薩德"人 — 阿夫納(Avner) 在慕尼黑這影片中一生所背負著的一個民族性包袱。
當時的以色烈總理梅亞夫人在受到這侮辱後,暗地策動了一次「沒有存在」的報復行動,設法在地上組織一個暗殺小組用以惡報惡的方式,用敵人的血替自己申冤。男主角阿夫納,在以軍的邀請下和被內心充斥著的民族意識趨逼下,沒法抗拒這張只有幾個巴勒斯坦名字的名單,而踏上了征途。在此影片中,史匹堡描繪出以色列人這種令人十分佩服的愛國的情懷,這個 神所揀選的民族長久以來一直受到一次又一次亡國的考驗,無根的漂流生活不但沒有磨滅了他們的民族意識,反之令他們更團結,更甘願為國家付上一切。可惜這率直的忠心往往容易令人失去理性,迷失在真相以外…
曾為以色列總理的保鏢的阿夫納,原本只是一個熱愛家庭,喜愛下煮的好丈夫,卻在一次又一次的殺戮中,由一個連鎗也未能拿穩的門外漢變成一個熟練的殺手。名單一個一個地清除,但同時在以暴易暴的行為中阿夫納漸漸對以往所持守的公義產生種種的疑問,漸漸分不清自己是在替天行道還是在牽動更多的殺戮,甚至開始懷疑被殺的所謂 “黑色九月”成員究竟是否真正當年策動血案的主謀。這不其然的令我想起聖經中摩西在埃及地為自己的同胞申冤 ,「摩西左右觀望,見沒有人,就把那埃及人擊殺了。」 (出2:12) 我們在生命中是否太多時候是在「左右觀看」,而不是往上而看? 太多的審判亦是來自世上,人們各自的利用自己的尺去量度對錯,結果沒有一方完全是對的,亦正因為這樣 神不在這時使用年青力壯的摩西,而要他苦思了四十年之久才徵召這位埃及王子帶領以色列人出埃及。
(Feb, 2006)
好感恩有朋友介紹我寫影評,書評,樂評等,雖知自己不算是一個有料之人,但對電影的確有些興趣,正值苦惱潮而友人作出邀請,真是一個良機。以下的影評有幸的話將會在一個文化網站出現,更被祝福的話,將來所寫的文章還會被刊載至時代論壇,但此時此刻,唯有等待。無論結果如何,我亦為自己付出的興奮莫名!為你們獻上 - 慕尼黑的影評(第一次如此有心機,如此努力的成果):
1972年9月5日,第20屆夏季奧運會,5名"黑色九月"巴勒斯坦武裝人員屠殺奧運村的11名以色列選手,諷刺地為象徵了無種族、無國界分野的五環體壇盛事上的和平,劃上一個沉重的血色句號,亦奠定了史提芬史匹堡鏡頭下一個以色列"摩薩德"人 — 阿夫納(Avner) 在慕尼黑這影片中一生所背負著的一個民族性包袱。
當時的以色烈總理梅亞夫人在受到這侮辱後,暗地策動了一次「沒有存在」的報復行動,設法在地上組織一個暗殺小組用以惡報惡的方式,用敵人的血替自己申冤。男主角阿夫納,在以軍的邀請下和被內心充斥著的民族意識趨逼下,沒法抗拒這張只有幾個巴勒斯坦名字的名單,而踏上了征途。在此影片中,史匹堡描繪出以色列人這種令人十分佩服的愛國的情懷,這個 神所揀選的民族長久以來一直受到一次又一次亡國的考驗,無根的漂流生活不但沒有磨滅了他們的民族意識,反之令他們更團結,更甘願為國家付上一切。可惜這率直的忠心往往容易令人失去理性,迷失在真相以外…
曾為以色列總理的保鏢的阿夫納,原本只是一個熱愛家庭,喜愛下煮的好丈夫,卻在一次又一次的殺戮中,由一個連鎗也未能拿穩的門外漢變成一個熟練的殺手。名單一個一個地清除,但同時在以暴易暴的行為中阿夫納漸漸對以往所持守的公義產生種種的疑問,漸漸分不清自己是在替天行道還是在牽動更多的殺戮,甚至開始懷疑被殺的所謂 “黑色九月”成員究竟是否真正當年策動血案的主謀。這不其然的令我想起聖經中摩西在埃及地為自己的同胞申冤 ,「摩西左右觀望,見沒有人,就把那埃及人擊殺了。」 (出2:12) 我們在生命中是否太多時候是在「左右觀看」,而不是往上而看? 太多的審判亦是來自世上,人們各自的利用自己的尺去量度對錯,結果沒有一方完全是對的,亦正因為這樣 神不在這時使用年青力壯的摩西,而要他苦思了四十年之久才徵召這位埃及王子帶領以色列人出埃及。
(Feb, 2006)
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About Me
- - zoechan1461
- a christian who knows little about God but wants to share my spiritual enlightenment and sometimes book/ film reviews with others.