Saturday, October 04, 2008

I feel sorry for the world

After reading the news especially about the American, the decadence of morality, the distortion of principles and the corruption of people's mind. I see the flood of darkness slipping away from the cage entering the world through intelligent people's readiness of a generous acceptance of multiculturalism. Why the principle that people uphold in the past has become worthless antique covering with dust? My heart sinks. I feel so sorry for the world. It urgently needs a wake-up call. So sad.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

《天堂如此真實》- 讀後感



它對我最大的提醒是不要做一個掛名的基督徒,「信心沒有行為是死的。」(雅二:17) 有了信心亦要表現出與信心相稱的行為,才是真的順服。秋楠在書中將基督徒分為幾類,一種是真正全心順服,過著信心生活的基督徒,另一類是不順服的基督徒,第三類為犯罪的基督徒。以她所見只有第一類的真基督徒才能有機會進天國,其餘的兩類人亦只能在天國外徘徊,然後前往地獄的谷中。聖經告訴我們神對我們只要求了一件事,就是要「盡心、盡性、盡意、盡力的去愛神,其次就是說要愛人如己,沒有比這兩條誡命更大的了。」(可十二:30) 沒有世上的任何事比讓主居首位更重要。馬利亞為上主所喜悅因為她那樂意停下來到主前聽道,親近主。人在世的生活就是會勞碌,但要從主裏得力,唯一的途徑是每天的親近神。另外作者亦提到憂慮亦是不順服的表現,因為為自己的身體,為物質需而憂慮即是不相信神就是那位供應者,對神缺乏信心。




信仰其實很簡單,要學習經歷神更多, 便要由心出發。

Monday, February 18, 2008


Life sometimes can be easy that it's intimidating. Simply like a perpetual repetitive recurrence. Therefore, people tries to swing to the other side for some CHANGES. It might turn out to be an exposure of a demonic alter ego and a devastating destruction of the tranquillity. Soon after the explosion, everything swings back to the equilibrium, but not long after, the reverse side effects just occur, making you behave in the extreme opposite way which you cannot rationalize it yourself.

People said when part of your life rises so high that the other parts doom to fall, Or is it just the double life or double standard that we are having in which one part of it developes so steadily that your inner self feels guilty to be in such happiness? But who could tell us whether we have reached the highest point?

The greater the expectation, the bigger the disappointment.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Alethiometer - A Review on the Golden Compass

The Golden Compass - people said that it's dark and it is dark. I thought quite seriously before i went to the theatre , though i have prepared to sit through a sequel to find out the "DUST".

Personally, i don't enjoy watching an unscrupulous girl, a liar with a mouth full of curses, trying to ridicule all the so-called "norms" could be a heroine in some kind, saving the world from being manipulated by the High Authority - Magisterium. Why is "being a lady" so disgusting that Lyra cannot even bear to hear her friend from mentioning it? If that's what we call challenging the mainstream, i would say rejection is exactly what the mainstream is trying to do to the minorities.

I did have a hard feeling in some moments. When seeing all the usually wicked, mysterious and deceitful tribes participating in the "saving the innocent children" project, i felt sorry. It's atypical. When i saw the armoured polar bear fought against his enemy, demonstrating the deus ex machina with his fatal strike and he tore away his jaw, i felt awful. It's creepy!!! When the demons (as if the spirit of mankind) tortured each other, i felt terrible. It's abusive. My friend sitting next to me got her face distorted when seeing all these... sorry for her. Another friend of mine complaining that the characters explained arcane concepts way too constantly and the episode covered way too much ground in too little time leaving the film feeling shallow and inchoate.

Maybe the best part of the film is the selection of the character in which the villains worth remembering than the good characters. Nichole Kidman is elegant.

I love this review. lol

About Me

a christian who knows little about God but wants to share my spiritual enlightenment and sometimes book/ film reviews with others.