Thursday, December 11, 2014





我也想問作為一個基督徒應怎樣看政治?上街,不合法喎,但對於政府的政策已呻訴無門,多次遊行,去信,進諌都毫無進展時,上街也許是最後的博一博。其實外國上街抗議根本很平常,你有需要,覺得社會對你不公平,我很諒解,也不會埋怨你的上街阻住我,同樣地,當我有需要時,我上街或許會令你受阻,但你亦不會微言半句,更可能一同參與,互相支持。這才是自由民主。但我不明白為何今天社會不公,我上街,為你或你後代爭取更好的未來,卻被你一句阻住晒而要承擔不共載天之罪?我很想做一個調查,訪問反對佔中的人仕,若果 Ferguson (Michael Brown) 事件,以及 Eric Garner 事件發生在香港,你會不會上街,又或者若你身處美國,你又會否參與抗議?或許你會說句,不同人種,不犯著我,我中立吧.... 唉。。。這種各家自掃門前雪的心態就正正是問題所在。要是Michael Brown and Eric Garner 是我們同族同國,而你聽到別人一句中立或警察做合理的事啫,相信你或者會有另一番體會。

其實Ferguson 同香港雨傘運動,無不相似的地方,可惜的是,地方的不同,就出現了很不同的結果。然而,我只希望明天少一些暴力,明天少一些血腥。

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Only Love Can Fix Those Wounds

This is already the 60+th day of the umbrella movement in Hong Kong. Things have stood still ever since the government met with the student leaders. There was no breakthrough, just repetitive rejection from the government and politicians as expected. Then a few major brutal "clean up" by the police after some groups (including one minibus driver group) sought for legal actions to disperse the protesters on street, which has successfully given the legitimacy for the government to put a closure to this revolution.

Instead of adding fuel to either side, I'm here to spread the news of love and justice that I saw from a touching picture from the Ferguson protests. The tearful young demonstrator was struggling with issues of police brutality and racism. Looking at the picture, I was so impressed that an officer (Barnum) who was ordered to help with traffic and crowd control in the protest area could display true humanity to a protester. When the police officer asked the young kid (Devonte Hart) why he was crying, he ingenuously expressed his concerns of the level of police brutality toward young black kids. Racial discrimination is never a new thing in the US and it has not been solved. I'm sure everyone can see the issue but not everyone can be brave enough to address it, especially if you are the privileged ones. The most cherished thing was that the officer was humble enough to admit the dreadful reality and to apologise for man kind, to apologise for the social system, to apologise for something not within his control.  The moment of pure humanity was displayed as the two racially different hugged, which broke down the social constraints.

On the other side of the globe, there are also young protestors on the cold and rough street of Hong Kong, gently asking for true democracy. They are suffering from the same level of pain with police brutality and social injustice.  If only could I see one police officer putting aside his/her baton and admit the authentic social problem in Hong Kong, the scenario would be completely different from what I have been seeing now.  Our society is incomplete and imperfect and there's no shame to admit it. It may takes years to come to term with the pernicious effects of the pseudo-universal suffrage in 2017 in Hong Kong, yet without acknowledging its vicious influences, reconciliation would never occur.  Sadly speaking, on the contrary, images of police abusing innocent civilians and the use of unnecessary extreme armed forces to the minimal-equipped protestors were spreading.  How could we stop the society from splitting? How could we change the saturated scenario now? My answer is follow the Ferguson officer, drop your weapon, admit the fault, share love, share hugs.  

Only Love can fix those wounds. 

About Me

a christian who knows little about God but wants to share my spiritual enlightenment and sometimes book/ film reviews with others.