Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Umbrella Revolution in Hong Kong

Hong Kong has gone mad? Students are being manipulated? Things are getting uncontrollable here in Hong Kong?

No. That’s not the picture that I have seen these days in Hong Kong.

At first, I don’t quite agree with the Occupy Central movement as I still have some hope on using other possible and legal channels to fight for democracy in Hong Kong. There have been a lot of grievance escalating in Hong Kong recently and people are quite used to going on street and protest against the poor management of the Hong Kong government.

The problems we are facing right now. (not an exhaustive list)

  1. Pseudo-democracy. This is the major reason of the big protest today. Under the policy of one country two systems, Hong Kong government still needs to follow the orders given by the Chinese Government and the basic law limits the exercise of real democracy. A proposal was given by the Chinese Government on the 2017 universal suffrage which allows the citizens to choose from three candidates approved by the Chinese government as the Chief Executive. What kind of choice do we have if the general public don't approve of the three candidates? According to the current practice, the Chief Executive now was elected by 1200 representatives of which 601 must agree on the decision. However, those 1200 representatives are not selected proportionally from different sectors of the general public. The majority of the representatives have business background so the policy the Chief Executive proposes would be in their favour.(this article in The Economist helps explain the problem.)
  2. The Gradual Invasion of National Ideology from China. Early on this year, the government was trying to put national education into the regular curriculum for primary school students, age 6-13.  The content includes the moral value of communalism and the ideology of supporting the Chinese government, etc. Immediately, it drew revolting responses and repulsion from the general public and paved the way for student movement to fight against this policy. The result was a pause to the policy execution.

  3. Rocket high housing price. You can either be a slave for your entire life to pay for a 2 square feet fight or end up homeless. Hong Kong’s property price was in overdrive, winning the name as the most unaffordable in the world. On the other hand, the government fell short of providing a helping hand in giving low-interest loan or building sufficient public housing for ordinary families. According to the Government document, the average household income is $22k while the average estate price for a 30 square meter apartment is 12210k. With interest to be paid and others, the total would be around $18315K. Even if you don’t spend a dime on anything, you need to use over 65 years to pay for an apartment with such income.  (Source: Global Property Guide, Asia, HK)

  4. Resources fighting with Mainland visitors. As practical as infant milk powder or as vast as public facilities, we are always fighting with other people to get what the citizen deserves to have. It was not difficult to see parents complaining not being able to buy infant milk powder for their newly born because the Mainland visitors stocked up every time they came to Hong Kong. The message is obvious, Mainlanders don’t believe in the quality of the milk powder in China. I sympathized both parties. All parents want their child to be safe but could the government did something for the citizen to, at least, recognize our citizenship and our basic right? The good news is the government did set a limit for milk powder export which has solved this problem in short term. However, other problems like the pregnant fighting for a bed in a hospital, kids fighting for a place in the nearby kindergarten, or adults fighting for social welfare supports are all directly or indirectly brought by the Individual Visit Scheme.

  5. Falling on deaf ears to public opinions. Around April, 2013, the government turned down the application of a free-to-air license to the most well-prepared and the most supported television company, Hong Kong TV. The reasons for such decision were yet to be told as the government released limited information on their decision. More surprisingly, two others neither famous nor publicly supported television channels received the licenses.  Many citizens went on street to protest about their anger towards the government decision and to reveal their urge to have HKTV as the third free-to-air channel for the general public. However, all the hard work has fallen on deaf ears and turned out to be futile.

  6. Accelerating inflation rate. The few Real Estate tycoons dominating the property market, controlling the housing price, rental price of shops, accelerates the inflation rate and intensifies the income gaps between the rich and the poor. (can’t go into detail due to space limit)
The major purpose of the Occupy Central movement is to address problem one as mentioned above. Nevertheless, ever since the students joining it by boycotting classes, the dynamic of this movement has changed. On 28 and 29 September, I saw images of police using tear gas and pepper spray to disperse the occupations, who have nothing but umbrellas on their hands, standing or sitting peacefully to reveal their demand. There were also police holding riffles standing by to help disperse the protesters. Was the force necessary? There was no damage reported, no injury, no fight, nothing, before the tear gas and pepper spray.

The violence of the police added fuel to the already alarming situation and pushing those hesitate to show their stance to go out on street.  Voices from both sides are loud, supporting the Occupy Central or rejecting it. However, most of the voices from the negative parties seem thin and shortsighted. Open your eyes and open your heart to listen to what the people are really fighting for before your judge or take side.

It’s easy to fall prey to the status quo which tempts you to take the benefit ahead that blinds you from looking at a bigger picture. The truth is always inconvenient.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

尋求神的心意 - 掃羅與約拿但









“Behold, to obey is better than sactifice and to listen than the fat of rams.” (1 Samuel 15:22)

Sunday, September 07, 2014

中東戰爭 - 以巴問題(歷史篇)

先問問大家, 最近以色列 (Israel)加沙 (Gaza)戰爭你的印象是甚麼? 你知道的消息又是甚麼?你又知不知道現時東中一帶的國土分部又是怎樣?現代以巴戰爭何時開始?

眾說紛云,但簡單而言,所爭拗的是土地問題,從一些支持巴勒斯坦人(Palestinian) 人士的資料,可以理解到,一個原本是屬於他們國家的地土,卻因為英國(British 1917,1920,1937),美國(US 2000+),聯合國(1947) 等等的組織活生生的硬將這遍土地分割出來,送給以色列人去建立以色列國(State of Israel),以致原本住在那地方的巴勒斯坦人被逼成為難民 (refugees)。不但如此,仍然住在加沙(Gaza)或西岸(West Bank)巴勒斯坦人由於長期戰爭,飽受以色列極權政府的操控包括物質輸送,剝奪基本自由包括就業學習,並受戰火催殘,活在監獄一樣。而每次以巴戰爭的結果都是以色列擴張境界,加重邊境軍事監控。所以巴勒斯坦人是受害者。是的,巴勒斯坦市民,特別住在加沙的人民是受害者,但事實是否僅僅如此?



我可以告訴你另一個畫面及事實。要解釋這久遠的歷史問題, 要追溯起碼3000年以上的歷史. 既是土地擁有權問題,那便得追溯這遍土地最初時屬於那些人。但要考究也得設定一個起點。我是基督徒,當然可以從神的創造作為起點,但有人說這不公平,所以不相信聖經的可以選擇聖經之後,羅馬帝國統治時期作為起點。為了更清楚讓大家明白基本時序,我只簡述重要年份及事件。


  • 神乎召亞伯拉罕離開吾耳(現時的科威特 Iraq) 進入迦南地Canaan, (現時的以巴所在地)
  • 1400BC 摩西領以色列人出埃及,進入迦南地定居
  • 士師時代,以色列要面對 一直住在附近的原居民威脅,其中最為人所熟識的是非利士人 (Philistine),他們便要住在現時加沙 (Gaza)一帶
  • 922BC列王時代,所羅門王過後,以色列分裂成南北兩國(南:猶大,北:以色列)
  • 721BC北國以色列亡國(被亞述王所滅)
  • 578BC南國猶大亡國(被巴比倫所滅)539BC巴比倫被波斯所滅
  • 443-520BC以色列人回歸,重建聖殿,重建耶路撒冷城牆
  • 323BC以色到被希臘統治….. 2-7BC羅馬統治,耶穌出生,被釘十架,死後復活
  • 70AD 羅馬攻陷耶路撒冷,拆毀聖殿,猶太人以色列人被殺,分分離開耶路撒冷
  • 125-135AD 羅馬政府將現時以巴一帶改名為 Syria Palestina, 這希臘字意釋為 “homeland of Philistines” 但根本非利士人所居住的地方只是加沙一帶,不是整個現時以巴地區,加上當時已再沒有非利士人的存在,原本西岸(West Bank) 被羅馬政府稱為 Kingdom of Judah, province of Judea. 意即 “homeland of the Jews”。根據一些史學博士這個改名是基於政治理由,為了壓制當時非常盛行的摩西律法(Law of Moses), Syria Palestina 意即 “there are no Jews here nor do we allow them.” 這改名行動是羅馬政治姿
  • 324AD當基督教成為羅馬國教時,Province of Judea猶大地區的基督教活躍起來。羅馬政府再用回原用的 Judea Syria Palestina 已被人漸漸遺忘
  • 638AD 伊斯蘭政權攻下耶路撒冷, 以色列人可以回國居住
  • 11世紀, 土耳其取得以巴土地, 使以色列人脫離伊斯蘭的統治, 16-18世紀, 以巴土地為土耳其及德盟所控制. (Turks & Ottoman)
  • 18世紀時,以巴這片土地人口約750,000,而原居民是不同根源的亞拉伯人(Arab)包括 Muslim Arabs, Christian Arabs and Jews. 
  • 1897AD 奧匈帝國Austro-Hungarian 的一名記者 Theodor Herzi,創立了猶太复國主義/ 錫安運動 (Zionism)而以巴一帶當時是屬於德國聯盟(Ottoman)居民多是亞拉伯人
  •  28 July 1914 – 11 November 1918 第一次世界大戰。1916英國與亞拉人聯手攻擊以巴地區的德國聯盟。最後德國聯盟及土耳其人被趕離這地
  • 1917 英國發表《貝爾福宣言,the Balfour Declaration》及《The British Mandate for Palestine》內容包括贊成為猶太人在巴勒斯坦建立永久家鄉,促進錫安運動,並期望兩國和平共處。 the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people. 這宣言後,有亞拉伯地主以高價賣地給以色列人,同時大批以色列人擁入這地。
  • 1939-1945 第二次世界大戰,猶太人被希特拉大屠殺 (The Holocaust)
  • 二次大戰速使錫安運動進程。1947 聯合國大會表決通過將巴勒斯坦一分為二,成為以色列人國 (Jewish state),及巴勒斯坦國 (Palestine state) , 但巴勒斯坦人拒絕被分割,並宣佈發動聖戰,誓要滅絕以色列人
  • 15 May 1948, 英國於以巴一帶撤軍,同日以色列宣佈獨立。亞拉伯聯盟20位成員 (Arab League) 派兵攻打以色列。以巴鄰近五國埃及Egypt,敘利亞Syria,約旦Jordan,黎巴嫩Lebanon伊拉克Iraq同時攻打以色列國,以巴戰爭正式展開。結果以色列勝,而取得更多土地。
  • 1967 六日戰爭,以色列再一次戰勝,完全佔領了約旦河西岸 (West Bank)當時屬於約旦, 加沙地帶 (Gaza)當時屬於埃及, 西奈半島 (Sinai)和戈蘭高地。盡管戰勝了,以色列軍將西奈半島歸還埃及以求和平。
  • 6 October 1973,埃及和敍利亞選擇在這日向以色到發動攻擊。這日為以色列的贖罪日。
  • 1991 海灣戰爭 The Gulf War伊拉克向以色到發射飛毛腿導彈 (Scud Missiles)
  • 1994 以色列與約旦簽署和平條約,同時哈馬斯組織反對條約並向以色列發動空襲
  • 2005以色列撤軍離開加沙但在邊境進行監控,以控制人口出入,食物,水,電,氣體,建築材料及其他日用品。此極權監控被受質疑,非常不人道。加沙人民活在一個有天空的監獄中,但天空帶來的不是自由的空氣而是炮彈。
  • 現時,不斷聽見以巴炮彈橫飛,哈馬斯每星期以百計的火箭攻擊以色列,而以色列亦以炮彈回應,但死傷的多是加沙的平民百姓。因為以色列在天網 (Iron Dome)的保護下,大部入飛彈亦能在空中被截擊,故此少有聽到以色列傷亡數字。反之巴勒斯坦平民被殺的消息被廣泛流傳。



事實是, 一但提及猶大人,很多時候甚麼都即時變成一個敏感話題。但越敏感不就是越需要了解真相嗎這小小資料搜集歷史整理實在不足令人完全了解整幅大圖畫所以還請大家也努力去找尋答案吧。

Wednesday, September 03, 2014






「猶太人是神的選民, 無論過去, 現在和將來,都是神的選民, 但卻常常是魔鬼攻擊的對象, 也是在大災難期間, 敵基督者趕盡殺絕的目標.

今日不少國家都反對以色列, 這個主要由猶太人組成的國家. 按人口比例來說, 猶太人是世上被逼迫, 被屠殺率最高的民族。直到今日, 仍有不少人在鼓吹「反猶運動」(Anti-Semitic),但在歷史中, 我們看一個不變的定律: 凡善待猶太人的, 必蒙神賜福;凡虐待猶太人的, 遲早必受神的咒咀。願各民, 各族記取教訓。」

耶穌與撒馬利亞人取水時也表明了救恩的出處: 「耶穌說:婦人,你當信我,時候將到,你們拜父,也不在這山上,也不在耶路撒冷。你們所拜的,你們不知道。我們所拜的,我們知道,因為救恩是從猶太人出來的。」 (4:22)


第三: 主再來時以色列家要全數得救
弟兄們,我不願意你們不知道這奧秘,(恐怕你們自以為聰明)就是以色列人有幾分是硬心的,等到外邦人的數目添滿了,於是以色列全家都要得救。 如經上所記『必有一位救主,從錫安出來,要消除雅各家的一切罪惡。』又說『我除去他們罪的時候,這就是我與他們所立的約。』(羅11:25-27)

我們這些外邦人也是扥猶太人的福使我們有機會得聞福音,而且末期將到的時候, 神又要再將猶太人重新接上我們這些外邦人的枝子中。為猶太人守望是基督徒的責任,除非你不想看見主再來。


About Me

a christian who knows little about God but wants to share my spiritual enlightenment and sometimes book/ film reviews with others.